Christopher Cabaldon and Jim Provenza Endorsed by the Sierra Club

This week Assembly Candidate Christopher Cabaldon and Yolo County Supervisor Candidate Jim Provenza earned the endorsement of the Sierra Club, one of the seminal environmental organizations in the country.

The organization cited Cabaldon’s role in the development of the SACOG Blueprint Project. He has also sat on the Central Valley Water Board and consistently has taken strong positions to protect water quality.

Christopher Cabaldon wrote on his website:

“Our district is unique in how much we value our special natural heritage, open spaces, farmland, rolling hills, creeks, and the Delta, and how committed we are to environmental protection and sustainability, as well as clean air and water.

That’s why I’m so proud to report that the Sierra Club has now endorsed my candidacy.”

He went on to say:

“The Sierra Club only grants its endorsement in a handful of legislative races, and only after a grassroots vote of confidence by the progressive environmental activists working at the local level inside the district.”

Delta Protection is one of the most important environmental issues in this district, along with transportation emissions, and protection of agricultural land.

“They know how important it is that we win our fight to rescue the Delta, tackle the causes and impacts of climate change (including my national battle against the Bush Administration on vehicle emission standards), stop pollution of our air and water, put an end to sprawl and the disappearance of our rural legacy, and make trains, transit, biking, and walking real alternatives to more time in our cars. And they know I will continue to be an environmental champion in the Assembly.”

For the Yolo County Supervisors race, the Sierra Club acknowledged that both candidates have demonstrated a strong environmental commitment.

The deciding issue revolved around a proposed initiative for Yolo County to protect agricultural land and to continue to limit development to existing cities.

Jim Provenza was a strong advocate against the proposed developments on the periphery of the city of Davis. He opposed Covell Village. And strongly supports Measure J. He vowed to support an initiative at the county level similar to Measure J, according to the Sierra Club.

It is nice to see that land use policies were used as the basis for a Sierra Club endorsement. Too often the protection of agricultural land and defense against peripheral development are overlooked. But from an environmental standpoint, once you pave over farmland, it is lost. I was talking to someone the other day who was raised in what was known as the Santa Clara Valley before it became known as the Silicon Valley. Some may remember that those were some of the best soils in the state and they are now permanently lost by urbanization and sprawl development.

It is a bit disappointing that the Sierra Club apparently will not be endorsing in the Davis City Council race.

Sydney Vergis endorses herself

Could not resist adding this here. This one jumped out at me last night. There is an organization known as the Yolo County Young Democrats. It is a small group that has little to no background. Sometime at the end of last year or the beginning of this year, Sydney Vergis became the President or Director, not sure which, of this organization. There is no web presence so it is difficult to ascertain just how many members there are of this group, but I’ve heard there are six including the chair.

In the Enterprise last night, Sydney Vergis announced that she had obtained the endorsement of the group that she heads up. I should hope so. Next thing you know, Cecilia will be sending out a press release saying that the Vanguard has endorsed her. Maybe people have not heard, I am married to Cecilia Escamilla-Greenwald. Oh and despite what the Davis Enterprise said last year, I am not married to Sue Greenwald.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. Too bad the Sierra Club is not endorsing or rating the candidates in the council race. They should do that as a service to the community and it’s members. There must be some politics going on.

    I attended the forum and there is a difference between the candidates on issues that Sierra Club members are concerned with. There are some who are touting that they are green, green, green, but their positions on issues are not so friendly to our community or the environment.

  2. Too bad the Sierra Club is not endorsing or rating the candidates in the council race. They should do that as a service to the community and it’s members. There must be some politics going on.

    I attended the forum and there is a difference between the candidates on issues that Sierra Club members are concerned with. There are some who are touting that they are green, green, green, but their positions on issues are not so friendly to our community or the environment.

  3. Too bad the Sierra Club is not endorsing or rating the candidates in the council race. They should do that as a service to the community and it’s members. There must be some politics going on.

    I attended the forum and there is a difference between the candidates on issues that Sierra Club members are concerned with. There are some who are touting that they are green, green, green, but their positions on issues are not so friendly to our community or the environment.

  4. Too bad the Sierra Club is not endorsing or rating the candidates in the council race. They should do that as a service to the community and it’s members. There must be some politics going on.

    I attended the forum and there is a difference between the candidates on issues that Sierra Club members are concerned with. There are some who are touting that they are green, green, green, but their positions on issues are not so friendly to our community or the environment.

  5. Maybe the Sierra Club realizes that flat farmland isn’t necessarily a high environmenally pristine resource, whereas the Delta and wetlands are more important environmentally and more important to protect. You guys have a strange definition of “green” if all it means is farmland preservation.

  6. Maybe the Sierra Club realizes that flat farmland isn’t necessarily a high environmenally pristine resource, whereas the Delta and wetlands are more important environmentally and more important to protect. You guys have a strange definition of “green” if all it means is farmland preservation.

  7. Maybe the Sierra Club realizes that flat farmland isn’t necessarily a high environmenally pristine resource, whereas the Delta and wetlands are more important environmentally and more important to protect. You guys have a strange definition of “green” if all it means is farmland preservation.

  8. Maybe the Sierra Club realizes that flat farmland isn’t necessarily a high environmenally pristine resource, whereas the Delta and wetlands are more important environmentally and more important to protect. You guys have a strange definition of “green” if all it means is farmland preservation.

  9. I wonder if it was good farm soil under the development area in west sac Bridgeway area. This area is south of 1-80 down Jefferson and not too far from the river and Yolo bypass.

    There sure are a lot of those hudge houses that are designed with large open spaces inside wich is not energy efficient. It would have been nice to see mostly or all small houses if development was a wise choice to begin with.

    It would have been nice too see the land contracted out to several small local developers not one. They all look like sameville USA and exactly like all the development grouth everywhere else. I am assuming (yep could be wrong) it was one bigger paying developer and one name might come in mind.

    The wallmart and Ikea in west sac is great for the people so they can buy cheep stuff. I dont have much money I need cheep stuff too. But this is Self destructive in the long run and goes along with getting one big developer to do it all. remeber the Ace Hardware supported advertisement about these superstores?

    It was good to see Cabaldon be a little different that most of the other SACOG people. I rmember him standing out at the SACOG meeting in Sac with some anti-war shirt. It does make some sense why the sierra club supported him.

    Although I absolutly did not agree with the Yolo, Yamada supported study of possible develpment around Davis she did remind people it was not so that the whole area under study was to be developed just looked at for the best place. Basically, it would not have been as big as I imagined from the study size. She has always been willing to take a stand on things even when some of her supporters may not agree. I stil say she always comes from the heart.

    As for Jim, I have no reservations and hope he gets it.

  10. I wonder if it was good farm soil under the development area in west sac Bridgeway area. This area is south of 1-80 down Jefferson and not too far from the river and Yolo bypass.

    There sure are a lot of those hudge houses that are designed with large open spaces inside wich is not energy efficient. It would have been nice to see mostly or all small houses if development was a wise choice to begin with.

    It would have been nice too see the land contracted out to several small local developers not one. They all look like sameville USA and exactly like all the development grouth everywhere else. I am assuming (yep could be wrong) it was one bigger paying developer and one name might come in mind.

    The wallmart and Ikea in west sac is great for the people so they can buy cheep stuff. I dont have much money I need cheep stuff too. But this is Self destructive in the long run and goes along with getting one big developer to do it all. remeber the Ace Hardware supported advertisement about these superstores?

    It was good to see Cabaldon be a little different that most of the other SACOG people. I rmember him standing out at the SACOG meeting in Sac with some anti-war shirt. It does make some sense why the sierra club supported him.

    Although I absolutly did not agree with the Yolo, Yamada supported study of possible develpment around Davis she did remind people it was not so that the whole area under study was to be developed just looked at for the best place. Basically, it would not have been as big as I imagined from the study size. She has always been willing to take a stand on things even when some of her supporters may not agree. I stil say she always comes from the heart.

    As for Jim, I have no reservations and hope he gets it.

  11. I wonder if it was good farm soil under the development area in west sac Bridgeway area. This area is south of 1-80 down Jefferson and not too far from the river and Yolo bypass.

    There sure are a lot of those hudge houses that are designed with large open spaces inside wich is not energy efficient. It would have been nice to see mostly or all small houses if development was a wise choice to begin with.

    It would have been nice too see the land contracted out to several small local developers not one. They all look like sameville USA and exactly like all the development grouth everywhere else. I am assuming (yep could be wrong) it was one bigger paying developer and one name might come in mind.

    The wallmart and Ikea in west sac is great for the people so they can buy cheep stuff. I dont have much money I need cheep stuff too. But this is Self destructive in the long run and goes along with getting one big developer to do it all. remeber the Ace Hardware supported advertisement about these superstores?

    It was good to see Cabaldon be a little different that most of the other SACOG people. I rmember him standing out at the SACOG meeting in Sac with some anti-war shirt. It does make some sense why the sierra club supported him.

    Although I absolutly did not agree with the Yolo, Yamada supported study of possible develpment around Davis she did remind people it was not so that the whole area under study was to be developed just looked at for the best place. Basically, it would not have been as big as I imagined from the study size. She has always been willing to take a stand on things even when some of her supporters may not agree. I stil say she always comes from the heart.

    As for Jim, I have no reservations and hope he gets it.