City Offers More Smoke and Mirrors With Regards To the Budget

The reality now is that the failure of the council to achieve the targeted cash savings has immediate and very serious consequences for city services.
The reality now is that the failure of the council to achieve the targeted cash savings has immediate and very serious consequences for city services.
The big question that looms in this race is who will the firefighters back and how will that impact this race. In the meantime, Mr. Krovoza has maintained his small lead primarily drawing from a wide variety of individuals in the community. Sydney Vergis continues to draw from her pro-growth and pro-development core of supporters, while Rochelle Swanson emerges with her first filings, many of them from business interests and individuals who have worked with her on the Blue and White Foundation.
Apparently California State University, Sacramento did a study on DJUSD’s Gate Identification Procedure back in 2005
Among the findings:
“…A significant challenge Davis faces is related to the ranking of students who meet identification criteria but are put on waiting lists because of space limitations. This challenge is exacerbated by a lack of clarity in what determines a child’s rank. OLSAT scores, for example, determine some children’s ranking, but when rescreening occurs and alternate test scores replace sub-test scores, this presumably changes the rank. Further, some students are tested privately which has raised questions of inequity with some parents, and expectations of assured program placement by others
The Council election is less than three months away and most of the public knows very little about most of the candidates. The Vanguard will have extensive coverage of the City Council campaign. Today each of the candidates have addressed five questions from our questionnaire we sent out. The answers here are unedited and complete. They are printed as submitted.
1. Describe in a paragraph your vision for Davis on June 30, 2014
NewPath is a competitive local exchange carrier, authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission under a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, to provide “full facilities-based competitive local exchange and access services… for the entire state of California.”
Ramiro Leon was handed down the sentence for attempted murder along with enhancements for criminal street gang activity and firearms.
When they last attempted the new council rules for sanction, they were soundly slapped down by many in the community including Davis Enterprise Columnist Bob Dunning arguing that the rules went too far and became tantamount toward stifling minority dissent under the guise of civility.
Mr. Saylor is running uncontested for a seat on the Yolo County Board of Supervisors. He will be seated on January 3 at which point in time he would have to give up his seat.
The first stage of the marches was held in Woodland on Friday where demonstrators numbering approximately 50 gathered at 9:30 am at the Woodland DMV, the site from which Luis Gutierrez would embark on what turned out to be his last minutes of his life. Soon after, he was contacted by Yolo County Sheriff’s as part of the Yolo County Gang Task Force, and as he fled, a confrontation ensued and he was shot and killed.
While the argument by the petitioner claimed that the title does not describe the measure accurately, the title need only be a title, and a way to a reference. The court finds that there is insufficient evidence of false or misleading language, therefore the request is denied
Earlier this week, Bob Dunning had a column in which he described the letters sent from the Davis School District that told him his three children in elementary school were truant for missing three days of classes due to a trip to Disneyland.
It is unclear what the problem is with the title, which is the same as it was back in 2000 when the measure was on the ballot as Measure J.
On Wednesday, the UC Board of Regents met in San Francisco and received a report from UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi along with two other UC chancellors who described recent events on campus including a noose, KKK symbols and the Compton Cookout, a party that mocked black history month at UC San Diego.
It is worth noting that the ballot measure that requires a vote for land use changes and incorporation of open space and agricultural land into urban uses is so synonymous with its previous ballot designation, that the city will now be forced to have to adopt it’s common reference of Measure J. Will it continued to be called Measure J or it’s actual name, the “Citizens’ Right to Vote on Future Use of Open Space and Agricultural Lands?”
According to the suit, in 2008, Mr. Skaggs, a ten year veteran DA Investigator was placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an administrative inquiry into allegations of misconduct. Details of the discipline case were then disclosed to Dave Markss, Chief DA Investigator for Colusa County’s DA’s Office who sent the details of the conversation to no less than thirteen other Chief District Attorney Investigators.
He told the audience that with the new budget cuts and the fact that staff has already been cut as much as possible, services will suffer. At the same time he said that between 30 percent and 35 percent of the DA’s Office is funded by grants which are used to investigate and prosecute different areas of crime.
At the time, the Vanguard raised some troubling questions about inconsistencies in the report. Those questions have grown with last month’s hearings by the Yolo County Independent Human Rights Commission, the testimony by several witnesses, and the report by investigator Frank Roman.
Mr. Emlen and Mr. Navazio write, “The recession has resulted in a decline in tax revenues available to support public services, ranging from public safety to education, social services and basic infrastructure.” However, the striking feature of the most serious problems in the city, is that they are of our own creation.
He states in his ballot statement, “Repeal unconstitutional ordinances banning “annoying” conduct and “bawdy” language (Municipal Code Sections 26.01.010 and 26.01.100).” Audiences on Tuesday would get a sense for exactly what Mr. Watts means by that. It turns out, according to City Attorney Harriet Steiner, he was at least partially correct.
He served four days in jail and faced an $150,000 bail. At the time of his release, the DA’s office did not file charges pending further investigation.