By David GreenwaldJanuary 30, 20133 comments

Today’s question: Do you believe that the current proposal resolves concerns about immigration? If not, what additional measure would you support?
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Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.
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I have just realized that I have no personal concern about illegal immigrates. I was trying to list some concerns but I don’t have any first-person account.
In terms of “cheating”, I have a bigger concern about people who are legally in the US, who are legally employed, who earn a lot of money.
For instance I don’t like the practices of insurance. It seems that I am forced to buy insurance (for the protection of myself), and with that the prices of the related services become seemingly unethically high, and the process tends to conceal the size of the bill until the payer is billed.
I think there might be no ethical reason for a society to have any insurance policy. Insurance does not produce value. A person in the insurance industry can only makes money by skillfully taking other people’s money without producing anything.
Oh, dear. As a white freckled face woman with blue eyes, how can I reply without sounding racist? I’ll just say it. When other cultures get the attention that Mexican immigrants get, I’ll be more satisfied. We have friends in AZ and I can assure you, the low income people who risk their lives to pick brocolli are not the real issue. Enough said.