This is a new feature. Each afternoon we will have a question that we pose the Vanguard community. Sometimes it will be a local issue, sometimes a national issue, and sometimes a deeper and more philosophic question.
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Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.
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Yes, good show. Already covered re. your video story.
The room was 4/5 filled, no one standing. I think most attendees were undecided coming in. It would be nice if some of those people would post about their experience there, and how it influenced their vote, if any.
I don’t like voting in general. From my perspective, March 5 is a deadline that forced us to make a decision. What we should be doing is to have a functional discussion and address all loose ends. Instead we are using this one month to be polarized. The practice and intentions are not right.
My experience was that I feel like the only Chinese in the room, and the demographic seems to be dominated by seniors. Where were the other people? I think most people will vote YES. I also want to vote YES, but only if accountability is defined.
I think when people see the result of a calculation like this ([url]http://water.cityofdavis.org/rates/water-rates-calculator[/url]), they don’t get to see the whole picture. It does not show how much money will be collected and whether the ratepayer will be overpaying. But it seems like I am the only person that cares about this, and I am not even a ratepayer. I am just getting free clean water if SWP is built, since SWP is practically only paid by ratepayers.
Was Michael the guy at the laptop controlling the powerpoint?
Yes Edgar that was Michael.
No, one thing that confirmed my view when when Sue Greenwald said that it was about the cost. For me its about the quality.
that’s obviously because you can afford the cost. what about those who can’t? and where are we going to get the money to pay for this, schools, roads, and god knows what else in the next year or so?
A difference between a preliminary survey and a ballot vote is this:
In a survey, one should vote based on what they themselves would prefer. If everyone tries to be considerate and vote on a solution they [i]think[/i] others would want, the community as a whole might lose sight of the better options.
In a ballot vote, one should vote based on what they think is the best for the community. If the community has 10 people, and you know 8 people can afford the proposition, but 2 cannot, and that they will be “devastated”, then all 10 people could have a reason to vote No.
A ballot vote is not an expression of “whether you like the proposition”, it is a decision mechanism that will affect lives.