On Saturday, May 9 from 6 to 8 pm at the Davis Community Church, the Vanguard Court Watch of Yolo County presents “Family Court Crisis: Who Will Protect the Children.”
The event features Kathleen Russell as the keynote speakers. Ms. Russell helped to found the Center for Judicial Excellence in 2006, as a non-profit “established to improve the judiciary’s public accountability and strengthen and maintain the integrity of the courts.”
They have helped to expose court failures and push for judicial accountability through the media. “The Center has been especially effective at working to protect the rights of children whose parents are going through divorce, and the organization has been in the forefront of exposing a national crisis in the family court system that is harming millions of innocent children,” they write.
The event also features a speech from local resident Denise Hoffner, who was removed as a juror in a recent high profile criminal case that involved a custody dispute.
There will be a panel discussion with Connie Valentine of the California Protective Parents Association, Distinguished UC Davis Professor Tilahun Yilma, Parent and Advocate Sue Hulsebus and Steve, a 15 year old child who has been caught in the middle of a custody fight.
According to keynote speaker Kathleen Russell, “the most basic problem in California family courts is that there is a complete lack of oversight or accountability over a burgeoning cottage industry that has sprung up there, and those working in the system are making A LOT of money with virtually no one checking on whether they are following the laws or rules of court, and they are fighting to keep it that way.”
Over the years, we have heard accounts of grave injustices within the family court system. Children in particular are vulnerable and are in need of protection, but, all too often, the court system favors those most able to afford an attorney and leaves millions of children in situations where they are in dangerous conditions.
Family court has to deal with highly emotionally-charged and high-conflict problems of divorce and child custody, which often bleeds into issues of substance abuse, domestic violence and child abuse.
Join us on Saturday May 9 for the dinner and panel discussion. Doors open at 5:30 and the event begins at 6 pm at the Davis Community Church Fellowship Hall located at 421 D St, Davis, CA 95616.
Tickets are $45 in advance and $50 at the door with a limited number of $25 tickets reserved for students and those with economic hardship.
Tickets are $45 in advance and $50 at the door with a limited number of $25 tickets reserved for students and those with economic hardship.