By Taite Trautwein
The four-day trial of David Ashley Froste came to a conclusion Friday afternoon with the defendant receiving a guilty verdict on only one of his multiple charges.
Froste was found guilty of manufacturing a controlled substance after honey oil and several of the tools to make it were discovered at his house. Honey oil is a type of concentrated marijuana.
Froste’s place of residence contained multiple Mason jars as well as cans of butane, which Agent Gary Richter of the Yolo Narcotic Enforcement Team (YONET) testified to being typically used to create honey oil. Agent Richter was present for the initial search after a warrant had been obtained.
Despite one guilty verdict, Froste was found not guilty of other charges, including multiple counts of abusing or endangering the health of a child, as well as possession of ammunition by a person prohibited from possessing a firearm.
Searching officers had discovered shotgun shells on the premises of Froste’s residence, but the jury clearly determined there was not enough evidence to prove they belonged to the defendant. Froste
shared the house with his father and brother.
Froste’s sentencing hearing is currently scheduled for November 15 in Department 10 of the Yolo County Superior Court.
While one trial is coming to a close for Froste, he will be unable to forget about the inside of a courtroom any time soon as the preliminary hearing for another set of charges being brought against him is scheduled for November 9.
Froste was arrested on February 2 and charged with inflicting corporal injury on a spouse or cohabitant with a dangerous weapon, threatening to commit a crime which will result in death or harm, and dissuading a witness or victim.
Man Accused of Domestic Abuse Takes Plea Deal at the Final Hour
By Taite Trautwein
A preliminary hearing for Frisco Edwin Martinez was scheduled for Monday afternoon, but it was cancelled after the defendant took a last minute plea bargain that made the hearing unwarranted.
Martinez pled no contest to infliction of corporal injury on a spouse or cohabitant after the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor with the permission of the prosecution. The plea deal was accepted after a lengthy meeting between Martinez and his representation, Deputy Public Defender Jose Gonzalez-Vasquez, took place behind closed doors.
As part of the plea deal, Martinez will be placed on probation for three years, as well as serve 37 days in jail. He will receive credit for 18 days of time served. In addition, Martinez must pay $1815 in fines and fees.
Judge David W. Reed also required Martinez to take part in a 52-week anger management program, as well as serve eight hours of community service within a non-profit or charitable organization. He will be required to submit proof of taking part in both at his next court date.
Additionally, Martinez will not be able to own a firearm for ten years, and a protective order will prevent him from having any contact with the alleged victim.
Martinez will return to court a free man on April 27 of 2018 to submit the evidence of his compliance with the plea deal.
Come see the Vanguard Event – “In Search of Gideon” – which highlights some of the key work performed by the Yolo County Public Defender’s Office…