By Mary Jo Bryan
I have been involved with Davis housing issues for a number of years, and have witnessed the approval of housing for specific groups. .
The Cannery: which provides housing for the fortunate people who are able to purchase market rate housing in Davis, The Cannery, Grande Village and soon to be built Chiles Ranch.
Student Housing: The Sterling Fifth Street Student/Dorm Apartments, Lincoln 40, Davis Live, and Nishi Student Apartments
Senior Housing: with the successful Measure L Campaign and the approval of the West Davis Active Adult Community.
Each of these projects also provided support for affordable housing by either building income-qualified affordable rental housing, or contributing a in-lieu fee or a land dedication.
What is missing? We all know the answer. It’s housing for regular people both young and old, small families, local workers, professionals and singles. People like you and me, who want to live and work in Davis, but unlike us, they do not make enough to purchase a home in Davis or make too much to qualify for subsidized housing.
This project is for them – a rental apartment project with 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartments that rent by the unit not by the bed.
The development team of Lor Shepard and Chuck Cunningham are local and I believe, they are building for the future of Davis. They observed and listened to the people of Davis and have developed a project that will provide much needed workforce and family housing.
In addition, I strongly applaud your support of the Amendment to the Alternative Affordable Rental Housing Requirements. A yearly contribution, “a continuing stream” of revenue to the Housing Trust Fund will not only expand funds for meeting the City’s goal for Affordable Housing, but also establishes a continuous source to solve or help the City with deferred maintenance on existing projects and in the future create innovated and “outside the box” options for future affordable housing opportunities.
I support the Chiles Road Apartment Project with its affordable housing component because it provides both much needed rental housing and also a “reliable and growing source of funding” to the City’s Housing Trust Fund.
Please support this project and thank you for approving the amendment to the Alternative Affordable Rental Housing Requirements.
This letter was delivered during public comment and submitted to the Vanguard.
From what I understand, this project also is innovating to reduce its climate impact. It is putting in all electric appliances and space conditioning, and not connecting to the gas main. This will greatly reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Do you understand how electricity is generated on the grid? It ain’t all solar, wind, hydro… far from…
I think Richard knows better most people where electricity comes from, given his line of work. Do you know what Richard does, since your comment is a bit flippant?
That point aside I think you’ve missed a key point here. So in 2016, half of California’s electricity was generated by natural gas, but most of the other was generated by hydro, solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass which you would consider clean burning. So while your point is true, the point I think Richard would make in response is 100% of natural gas is carbon based, while half of electricity was carbon based. And of course that was in 2016, and with things like Valley Clean Energy and AB 32, we would expect that to improve even further. But even now you would have to rate electricity as at least 50 percent cleaner than natural gas.
Ick! I like natural gas.
And you’re anti-environment?
Burn baby burn!
If you don’t want more CO2 in the atmosphere, stop breathing (facetious, but…) … we are carbon-based critters… we consume carbohydrates… we emit CO2 with every breath we expel… the vast majority of energy (electric, & NG) we use (from grid) is generated by carbon-based or nuclear sources… not geothermal (which can pollute the air, sulfur dioxide, etc.), wind, or solar (do you understand the carbon footprint of creating solar panels?)…
So, if CO2 is the only issue, turn off all devices, don’t cook, don’t breathe… simple.
All those activities generate CO2… climate change is real… correlation to CO2 emissions natural or man-made is up for discussion… also begs the question of whether people are “natural”… we might be able to preserve/reverse climate change if all animal/human life exited ‘stage – left’ (loved Snagglepuss cartoons).
Just saying…
“correlation to CO2 emissions natural or man-made is up for discussion…”
Only in political circles