Greetings Residents of Davis!
Let us introduce you to the Davis Post Carbon Association, a grassroots organization bringing together the community to address climate issues both locally and globally. We want to transition out of a carbon-based economy to a post-carbon economy by 2040. Post-carbon means (1) sequestering more carbon than we are emitting (also called being carbon negative), (2) designing our communities so that we regenerate natural resources, eliminate waste, and live in alignment with the needs of nature. We have six core goals to help the community fulfill this intention before it may be too late for our planet.
- Include everybody in our community so we can transition together instead of having to figure it out on our own
- Educate each other about the science of sustainability and how to apply it to our lives as individuals and members of a community
- Work with homeowners and businesses to help private organizations transition.
- Work with government to help public infrastructure transition
- Support labor unions, activist groups, faith-based groups, and other organizations in their efforts to transition
- Raise funds to support the efforts of community organizers, educators, project facilitators, and to finance modifications of private and public infrastructure, lands, and operational systems (transportation, waste-management, energy utilities, etc)
Upcoming events:
Nov 1: A Local Green New Deal and Improved Food, Water, and Soil Systems
We have two passionate residents presenting their work. David Abramson is presenting his ideas for a community-wide Local Green New Deal to complement the work being done at the national level. Linda Bauman will be giving a talk entitled “Food, Water, and Soil Systems” where she will share about her discoveries on living more sustainably.
Dec 2nd: Climate Action Potluck
The community is invited to a 200 person potluck happening in the Blanchard Room in the library. There will be food, local musicians, knowledgeable residents presenting ideas about sustainable practices, political advocacy, and community organizing. Visit www.davispostcarbon.org to RSVP and get additional guidance for food contributions and participation. Food set-up begins at 5:30 pm, eating starts at 6:00 pm, and talks start at 6:20 pm.
Join Us!
The DPCA welcomes new members to provide energy, skills, ideas, and leadership. We operate as a consensus-based group which values inclusion and community-oriented individual empowerment.
We currently meet every Tuesday from 10 am to 2 pm to work on these goals. In the past 8 weeks we have accomplished the following: created a website, initiated the process for becoming a non-profit 501(c)3, created a consensus-based collaboration system, and have organized community events where people can share ideas and begin discussions for how to work together.
Please come join us and help out in anyway that you can!
Davis Post Carbon Association
Luanna Villanueva • M E Gladis • Alan Gamage • Linda Baumann • David Abramson