Dear Readers, Friends and Supporters,
These, indeed, are challenging times for all of us who are “socially-distanced” – I am writing this, for instance, from in front of my laptop at home, and communicating via Zoom and computer with staff and news sources in Davis, Sacramento, San Francisco and throughout Northern California.
The Vanguard’s message remains: Information is key in the best of times. All important in these times.
So that’s why I am pleased to confirm that the Vanguard will not only be maintaining – but increasing – our current cutting-edge reporting of the courts and news in Davis, Sacramento and other communities.
We might need a little help. That’s where you come in…
As a reader, you know our reporting and commentary are unique because we provide readers with news of those people and issues often ignored by mainstream media through our strong social justice reporting. Not just of the courts, but news from the heart of our communities.
That won’t change. In fact, we are ramping up that coverage.
To do that, we are creatively revising our court watch program to account for new limited court access that we reported first last week. It does mean we’ll have to dig more for the truth. But, we’re up to that task by expanding staff, as needed.
And, we’re hoping you will be able to help us do this. Because the only thing that protects us – as a nonprofit, independent news gathering force – from cutbacks seen in corporate media, is you, our readers.
Right now, we’re hanging in there with the rest of you. We’re reaching out to you now to help us not only continue to provide news that is fast and accurate to this community and this region, but to help us expand our reach to provide more of the real truth on a daily basis.
Here’s what you can do:
1. Make a one-time donation. Online – https://davisvanguard.org and hit “donate” at the top of this page; PayPal to info@davisvanguard.org; By check – Davis Vanguard, PO BOX 4715, Davis 95617
2. Subscription. Online – https://davisvanguard.org/2017/04/subscriber; By check – Davis Vanguard, PO BOX 4715, Davis 95617
Thank you for your consideration,
The Vanguard Board