“Then he had the audacity to handcuff my husband after he shot him,” wife says

By Robert J Hansen
Sacramento, CA – A demonstration was held in downtown Sacramento this morning for a man who was shot and killed last week by a Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff, while the man was holding a knife at his south Sacramento home.
On September 28, 2022, at 8:39:53 A.M, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center received a call from Jaime Naranjo’s wife, Elisa Daher, who stated her husband wanted to kill himself and had a machete in his hands.
Daher said that the deputy was at the scene less than a minute before he shot and killed Naranjo.
“Then he had the audacity to handcuff my husband after he shot him,” Daher said.
Daher told Decarcerate Sacramento that the officer came alone, was informed Jaime may have a blade, and as soon as he saw Jaime with it, threw her down to the ground and shot her husband 3 times in their driveway.
“Who can we call when we need help,” Naranjo’s daughter told CBS 13. “If you’re in a mental health crisis, the police are going to shoot you down.”
The deputy then proceeded to handcuff his body, tear up their home and took or possibly deleted the video of what happened from the family’s home security system, according to Decarcerate Sacramento, a coalition working to shift county funds away from policing and incarceration toward community-based systems of care that promote community safety and health.
Daher said the family’s home surveillance video has been erased by deputies.
“The truth is, we know this could have been prevented and can be prevented if urgent action is taken by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. Sacramento County needs to launch the Alternative to 911 program immediately, but its start date keeps getting delayed,” Decarcerate Sacramento said.
According to a sheriff’s news release, when the deputy arrived, Naranjo’s wife, Daher, was standing in her front yard when Naranjo appeared on the front porch holding a 24-inch machete.
Naranjo advanced toward the deputy and his wife when “the deputy pushed the wife out of the path of the advancing subject to remove her from immediate harm and attempted to retreat while commanding the subject to drop the raised machete,” the release said.
The release continued, saying that once the deputy was backed up to the fence and the subject continued to ignore the commands and advanced toward the deputy and Daher, the deputy fired his weapon, striking Naranjo multiple times.
When the call-taker had asked about the subject’s mental health, Daher stated that her husband did not have a mental health condition. She also said he did not take medications for mental health and that he did not have a history of violence toward anyone, including law enforcement, and that he had never been placed on a Mental Health Hold.
The deputy is a four-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Office.
The investigation into the incident will be conducted by the Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau and Professional Standards Division, which is standard practice for any officer-involved shooting that occurs in the Sheriff’s Office’s jurisdiction.
The deputy involved in the shooting will be placed on paid administrative leave pending the investigation.
The Sheriff’s Office said it will publish a community briefing video that will include additional information, 9-1-1 call audio and body cam video per state law.