Theoretically, as early as 1868, Jefferson Davis, the one and only president of the defeated Confederacy, could have run for and been elected as POTUS if, and only if, a member of Congress invoked the 14th Amendment, Section Three and a 2/3rds majority from both houses of Congress negated his insurrectionist’s “disability.”
Some mistakenly think a candidate winning a presidential election means no disqualifying factors matter—like being born a foreigner or being an insurrectionist. Our nation gave birth to the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments through the battle and blood of the Civil War.
Suppose no one in Congress invokes the 14th Amendment, Section Three, before January 20, 2025. In that case, President-elect Trump will take an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, when, in fact, he instigated an insurrection on January 6, 2021.
From my Veteran’s point of view, how can we ask our military to risk their lives to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, an oath taken by all military members in similar forms since 1790, when members of our Congress lack the courage to follow the hard-won lessons of our Civil War and invoke this amendment to negate President-elect Trump’s insurrectionist’s “disability?”
Please ask your congressional representatives to invoke the 14th Amendment, Section Three—the last Constitutional guardrail protecting our democracy from someone hellbent on violating, abusing, and possibly suspending said document.
Two more weeks and we start to get this country back on its tracks. I can’t wait…
Hopefully Biden doesn’t cause too much harm before then.
Cough, cough
Does that include invading Greenland?
We already know that oaths and the provisions of the Constitution mean little to Trump. His Administration will weaponize the entire Federal Government against their perceived enemies and the left in general.
“His Administration will weaponize the entire Federal Government against their perceived enemies and the left in general.”
You mean like Biden’s administration did to Trump and to the right?
It amazes me how blind some on the left are when it comes to completely overlooking what Biden’s administration, the FBI and leftist courts did to Trump and many of his allies during the past eight years. Well that’s about to change…
As opposed to what Trump did to the country and himself? I’m sorry, but talk about BLIND.
I said the entire Federal Government. In other words every department and agency in the Executive Branch, not allegedly just the DOJ and FBI. What I included consists of the Department of Labor, Department of Commerce, the Treasury Department, the FDA, and the Department of Health and Human Services among others.
Apparently the Right and the MAGA cult sincerely believe that merely running for office grants right wing candidates absolute immunity from prosecution from all crimes both federal and state as well immunity from all civil lawsuits no matter when the incidents took place or the particulars of each case.
LOL, you mean like Biden pardoning his own son?
Do you even hear yourself?
Trump pardoned his daughter’s father-in-law and other criminals just because they supported him. You are blinded by your own extreme biases Keith.
Yeah I’m not sure why Keith thought that was a his trump card
Of the pardons and commutations that Trump did grant, the vast majority were to persons to whom Trump had a personal or political connection, or persons for whom executive clemency served a political goal.[2][3][4] A significant number had been convicted of fraud or public corruption.
These are just a few of the many MAGA criminals Trump pardoned.
Joseph Michael Arpaio
Dinesh D’Souza
Bernard Kerik
Michael Flynn
George Papadopoulos
Charles Kushner
Roger Stone
Paul Manafort
Steve Bannon
I see Trudeau just resigned.
Face it, the world is waking up, leftist policies are a failure.
Oh my, more extreme right wing biases. You can’t stop can you Keith.
Hey Walter, this might be a good time for Trump to offer statehood to Canada.
What do you think?
I was under the mistaken belief that conservatives believe in less government. Adding Canada to the United States would constitute a vast expansion of government.
What, did you hear that on “The View”?
Ronald Reagan, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and Newt Gingrich are among the Republicans that have called for small government.
You want the Davis Vanguard to be fair and balanced Keith yet you never are. Not even once.
Walter, are you fair and balanced?
I have never asked for the Davis Vanguard or any other site or media outlet to be fair and balanced Matt but Keith has.
Walter, I like giving the other side to topics which the Vanguard often doesn’t do.
So is there a problem wanting a site to be fair and balanced?
What’s wrong with being “fair” or “balanced”.
Please explain…
Even Davis Vanguard posts that are not partisan draw MAGA comments from you Keith.
You’re dodging my question Walter, what’s wrong with “fairness” and “balance”?
There is nothing wrong with being fair and balanced except it doesn’t exist in 2024-25 anywhere.
The Davis Vanguard is under no obligation to be fair and balanced. There is no federal or state law or regulation that requires that.
I heard that from conservatives on social media within the past few years.
I believe the above 25 comments can be summarized as: “Neener Neener Neener” “Oh yeah, what about Neener Neener Neener?” “No, Neener Neener Neener!”. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
“Face it, the world is *waking* up . . . ”
Probably best to choose a different term, KO.