Challenger in Orange County District Attorney Race Charges Incumbent Overrun by Scandals

Pete Hardin announced his candidacy for Orange County DA – courtesy photo

By Paulina Buelna and Cheyenne Galloway

ANAHEIM, CA – Former Marine Judge Advocate, Deputy DA, and Special Assistant United States Attorney Pete Hardin and challenger in the Orange County District Attorney race charged this week incumbent DA Todd Spitzer is “too busy committing crimes” to keep county residents safe.

Hardin, a former Marine Corps Judge Advocate said, “From enabling rampant sexual harassment and making overtly racist comments that have undermined the prosecution of dangerous offenders, to pay-to-play political corruption and criminal misconduct, Todd Spitzer has made a mockery of his oath of office and failed to protect and serve the people of Orange County.”

Hardin added, “Since Spitzer took office, crime and homelessness have skyrocketed. Evidently, Todd Spitzer has been too busy committing crimes to fight crime, and Orange County residents are paying the price.”

Hardin pointed to a recent scandal that occurred when Spitzer was discussing whether or not to pursue the death penalty against a Black man, in which he made allegedly racist remarks in response.

Additionally, four women have filed sexual harassment complaints against him, two of which were abandoned after two and a half years of being “dragged through the mud” and mistreated by Spitzer, they claimed.

Along with the sexual harassment claims against him, “Spitzer also attempted to drop sexual assault charges against high profile defendants, leading a judge to remove him from the case,” said challenger Hardin.

The DA election is in May.


  • Paulina Buelna

    Paulina Buelna is a second year History of Public Policy and Law major at UC Santa Barbara and aspires to become an attorney. She is from Los Angeles, CA and hopes to attend law school after graduation in the year 2024.

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