Davis Council to Review Shriners Project EIR Alternatives
Davis, CA – The Davis City Council returns next week from its August hiatus and will be…
Davis, CA – The Davis City Council returns next week from its August hiatus and will be…
By Alan Hirsch At the California Transportation Commission (CTC) Meeting Thursday 5/16 they will vote to fund…
$10+ tolls – but Tahoe Groups go free! By Alan Hirsch Policies that will decide how high…
By David M. Greenwald Executive Editor Davis, CA – Calling it a process that “has been long…
Accepting DEIR to get $86 million fed money for auto widening turns Climate Plan into carbon off…
By Tim Keller Submitted to the Davis City Council As you may be aware, there is a…
On December 8, Davis Community Action Network submitted the following comments on the Village Farms Project. PROJECT…
By David M. Greenwald Executive Editor Davis, CA – Village Farms is the first of possibly five…
Special to the Vanguard Sacramento, CA – Northern California leaders reacted to the alarm at the prospect…
By David M. Greenwald Executive Editor Davis, CA – A project that could go before the voters…
By David M. Greenwald Executive Editor Davis, CA – Councilmember Bapu Vaitla pulled the consent item on…
By David M. Greenwald Executive Editor Davis, CA – A consent item indicates that the city will…
By Alan Hirsch All the week’s News on I-80, as best I understand it. The Headlines. Draft…
By David M. Greenwald Executive Editor Davis, CA -Part two of the long range growth discussion may…
By David M. Greenwald Executive Editor Davis, CA – Four of the five projects had representatives speaking…
By David M. Greenwald Executive Editor Davis, CA – The Council Subcommittee on Long Range Growth is…
By David M. Greenwald Executive Editor Davis, CA – Council engaged in a lengthy discussion on Tuesday…
Submitted by Harvey Smith The California Court of Appeal recently issued its decision in the California Environmental…
By David M. Greenwald Executive Editor Woodland, CA – He doesn’t have much time—Judge Dan Maguire on…
by David Taormino Alan Pryor’s greatest nightmare is that Bretton Woods will be built as proposed and…